Back to life. Back to AdTech reality.
This week was our first ‘proper’ team day back in London. I loved it. I know there are many (many) articles about the future of work, but for consultancy it definitely feels like working from home for deliverables, in-person for inspiration, client catch-ups, and socialising is the way to go.
London was busier than I expected, but obviously not firing on all cylinders. I’m looking forward to going in at least 1 or 2 days per week in the coming couple of months.
We haven’t quite nailed the best way to leverage flexible office working though - would love to get feedback on how people are approaching this and where they are working.
MParticle Raise $150m
The CDP (customer data platform) space is wild. Many used to label CDP’s as DMP (data management platform) 2.0, but since Segment sold to Twilio for $3.2bn they have gotten their fair share of the industry trend limelight as companies continue to adopt them. Despite the obvious reduction in tracking in future, a CDP can enhance the value of the data companies do get - so it’s unsurprising to see this space being so buoyant.
Mopub sells to AppLovin for $1.05bn in cash
Twitter have finally let go of their forgotten AdTech strategy by offloading Mopub into the AppLovin arms of.. well, AppLovin. Despite the scale of Mopub and their revenues/margin, it just doesn’t fit with Twitter’s strategy where they are moving towards subscriptions and their own in-app monetisation. AppLovin have bought a company with huge SDK presence, solid run-rate and in a growing part of the industry - shrewd moves.
Another week, another one of multiple AdTech M&A announcements. What an exciting time to be in advertising.